This site will give you all the information you need on manners. How to behave in different situations. Tons of useful pieces of advice!

Bad Manners
Book Dora Doras Explorer
Book Excuse Little Manners
Child Manners Teaching
Dying Manners
Etiquette Manners
Good Manners
Kid Manners
Manners Miss
Manners Office
Manners Phone
Manners Sarah
Manners Table
Manners Teaching
Manners Wedding

This is the best manner related site on the web you can find. Browse to make sure we are telling the truth!
Training and coaching on manners and etiquette for today's business and social climate. Gain the competitive edge with expert Gloria Starr. Established 1983. Good manners are important skills children should develop when they are young ... teach your children proper etiquette and good table manners. Also, get helpful tips on phone ... Emily Post Institute offers etiquette advice and answers to manners questions such as wedding etiquette, parenting issues and table manners.